\\ going dutch.
here's what today was all about: victoria weather.
you want to talk to me about how extreme weather can be?
when you live in victoria you live in layers, like onions. or eclairs.
it's raining, hailing, sunny, and windy. and then it's just sunny.
and now it's.. i don't know.
downtown at 11 oclock. today was a birthday as well as being april fools.
neither of us pulled any april foolery, except i accidently stole a clash tape
from value village, combat rock. fuck. i love this tape so much.
we were on the hunt: original larry johnson jerseys, the soundtrack to
rock & roll nightmare (please see previous postings).. but ended up with
a gelatinous hand and a mouthful of eclairs in the mall.
the eclairs in question were from no other than the dutch bakery on fort street.
GO THERE NOW. it is the best place to eat lunch in the world. hands down.
we got sandwiches and iced tea and relived our childhood eating habits.
the birthday boy, devlan roy, and i also bought cherry tarts and eclairs and laughed
uproariously at unknowing victims in the bay centre.
after purchases and much fun.. we parted ways. and i forgot to give back mr. roy his bag.
it's so hot. like mia farrow hot. like talia shire hot.
"[to Caterine Vauban] God, what are you, a bitch? You're a bitch. How many kids do you have, bitch?"
- i heart huckabees
(ps. the talia shire thing stems from high fidelity.. in case you were wondering)
1 play dates:
yes! lets!
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