\\ thanks-be
thanksgiving is so close!
the leaves have turned over a new colour and i have diligently
watched them each day, passing down the air and landing
next to their golden friends. i like these leaves best.
something i have noticed: kids are not about to rake up piles
of leaves and jump in them, they would rather see a DVD on the
subject - am i that old?
my voice is also sore.
cough cough,
aidan knight.
2 play dates:
Happy Thanksgiving. I personally am celebrating with a few americans and the cutest Korean couple ever to have existed, Sunny and Gin. So it is going to be a mulitcultural food fest of Pumpkin pie, nacho cheese dip, green bean caserole, and something korean. Hmm... mmm?
Eat and be Merry, aidan knight.
you too julia wakal!
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