\\ a very long engagement
please, please, please.
see this film. even if it's the only one you can afford
to see all year. it's a fairy tale, it's a war epic, it's a french
minuet, it's enchanting, it's...
this summer's biggest thrill ride.
two thumbs big way up.
i don't often feel like i recieved an adequate amount of film
for my money, but this made me feel rich. and it's so cute.
(on a side note, my voice is shot and i cannot talk to anyone!
i wrote a little piece for a lack of verbalization.)
>it can be found here<
-aidan knight.
7 play dates:
I saw this movie some time ago with a wonderful teacher that I love so dearly, and we wept and we wept. This movie made me fall in love with love... and Audrey Tautou... for the second time.
it's SO cute!
I want to see it. I havent gotten around to it though.
Lack of friends interested in this type of movie.
It's so BEAUTIFUL! I love when she holds his hand to her chest. I love the end. I love the idea of getting to fall in love a second time, all over again, because you know that they will and it will be just as beautiful.
we are hopeless.
i like: "doggie fart, gladens my heart"
and it's so beautiful when manech's matches
get blown out and he has to relight them.
and then he burns his fingers. it's so.. human.
but obviously romanticized. i don't care.
it's SO cute!
what movie is this?
and i dont think ive EVER heard Aidan say the word "cute"
its kinda weird
nathan, you are cute.
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